I just took a bunch of pictures of some of the exciting growth happening in the "Monster Garden," and I want to share them, so without further ado...
Above is a picture of some Bluebells that just bloomed this past week. They are pretty ubiquitous around this area, but beautiful nonetheless. Below are a few pics of our first Strawberry blooms of the year. These pink flowers are on an "ornamental" strawberry. We were told that it wouldn't produce fruit, but it does anyway. We are also growing some other strawberries in hanging baskets. We got those plants for free from a kind soul in the community, and we're not sure exactly what kind they are, but they have white flowers.

Next up, we've got pictures of our new babies this year. Here are images of some of our Tomato (a flat and an individual), Eggplant, and Asparagus seedlings respectively. These guys were seeded on April 5.

And next we have some Peas...On the left, there is one of many that were seeded outside on President's Day (February 16). Below, this is a pea patch that Kevin and I planted outside on March 9.

.......And here are some of the other vibrant plants we already had in the garden (listed in order): Lupines (planted early summer 2008), Spinach (planted November 2008), Rosemary, blooming and attracting fuzzy bees! (planted more than 3 years ago), and Spanish Lavender, on the verge of blooming! (planted more than 2 years ago).

Our Native patch also is home to a FOREST of Bracken Ferns, the first of which are just starting to unravel, Trailing Blackberry, a Red Elderberry, and many others. The following pictures are of the Bracken Fern (the second one shows Comfrey in the background), as well as our own li'l Elderberry friend.

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